
Jining Jining Haoduo Import and Export Co., Ltd.



Under the frame X planes belong to the frame structure under excavator products, mainly with the realization of the right and left side of the beam excavator.

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Under the frame X planes belong to the frame structure under excavator products, mainly with the realization of the right and left side beam excavator; its structure is mainly composed of large cap, upper and lower cover, Li ribs and other major components, through a group of , welding, machining and other processes made; each step adopt domestic and international advanced processing equipment, equipment testing and nondestructive important parts.

Product features

The product is used in all Japanese brands (SM490A, SS400) high performance sheet, through the Korea imported advanced tooling Group, IGM imports robotic welding, precision machining center Korea; each step adopt international advanced technology, in strict accordance with international standards and standards VOLVO ensure high reliability under the frame X frame.


Model EC210 LG6250 LG6360
Long(mm) 2610 2900 3377
Width 2000 2126 2488
High 542 590 631



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